My Mission Is To Help People Break Free from Debilitating Anxiety without years of Talk Therapy & Medications!
Anxiety disorder has become the number one mental health issue in North America.
Take our free online quizzes to learn more about your symptoms.
Select any of the links to take the free anxiety assessment:

Hi, I’m Vanessa, and I am not your Average Therapist!
What separates me from most therapists is that I don’t give you tools just to help you manage or cope with anxiety; I help you break free from anxiety so you don’t fall back into the cycle again and you can get back to enjoying the liberating, peaceful life that you Deserve.
Change is possible and we’ll work together through my 360-Mentorship Program to build the life you want.

When I meet people, they often say to me:
‘ “Vanessa, how can I get out of this Anxiety trap and get back to living?”
The Transformation happens in three distinct ways, as we work together to overcome the hold anxiety has on your life.

From Hopeless to Empowered

From Stuck to Relief

From Victim to Victor
Using my unique program of RTT therapy, blended with education and coaching, I am able to transform my clients’ lives in a permanent and lasting way.
I give my clients victory over Anxiety!
Thank you Vanessa

Step 1
Introductory Call

Step 2
Begin My Signature Mentor Program to Overcome Anxiety

Step 3
Enjoy Healing RTT Sessions
The real power of this program comes from the RTT Therapy, accessing your subconscious mind to discover the root cause of why anxiety has been holding you back from living your life and then doing the work to set you free.
What My Clients Say

Support for RTT®
RTT is a rigorous, award-winning approach to therapy.
Many top level companies have used RTT to improve workplace performance by removing the limiting beliefs of their employees (whether around issues of confidence, public speaking, motivation, decision making, self-esteem, money blocks, etc.). These companies include:

RTT® is accredited with the following professional bodies:
- ACCPH Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists
- I.A.C.T. International Association of Counselors & Therapists
- IHF International Hypnosis Federation
- IICT International Institute for Complementary Therapists
- GHR General Hypnotherapy Register
- NZAPH New Zealand Association of Professional Hypnotherapists Inc.
- a s c h Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists